My Five Valued Experiences

My Five Valued Experiences

Connecting the dots

Connecting the dots for me, means a common thread enhancing how I live, experience and succeed in my personal life on a daily basis.

“In other words, every moment has potential.” Bev Nugent.

“Creativity is just having enough dots to connect.” Steve Jobs.

“Everything starts from a dot. ”  Wassily Kandinsky.

Being valued

My website helps me to have an identity and to be seen in a positive light while belonging to the digital age. I love being a valued customer where I am recognised and accepted, just as I am!

Big or small choices

Choices on lots of levels but, the one with the most impact is my presence in the community.  Diversity and flexibility of time has also increased my opportunities. Of course, one of my favourite choice making, is which chocolate to eat! Yummmmm!! Not forgetting my customer choices at Lush cosmetics and Flower of Sylvania.

Know people and see friends

Having the opportunity to develop and maintain relationships with old friends, new friends and customer experiences. For me the opportunity to engage with others and equally important just to be visible in everyday community.

Sharing ordinary places

For me the operative word is “go”. With a  responsible person (an ally with willing spirit) – seeing, smelling, feeling, hearing, understanding (or not).  In other words exploring real life and the world around me.

Develop my abilities, big or small achievements

I am an individual and my skills are unique. I want the opportunity to develop my abilities at my own rate, in th eareas that I feel safe based on reality and my experience.

“When surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.” Howard Schultz.

Abilities can come in all sizes. Through constantly experiencing and  interacting with new environments, I am constantly engaged and stimulated and my sensory awareness and acceptances are continually growing.  Through this interaction and even subliminal messages, have given rise to significant improvement in my awareness. (Sensory awareness – the ability to receive and differentiate sensory stimuli.) Hopefully I will continue to improve, heighten my awareness, improve my alertness, improve communication and sharing. Plus be happier and have fun!

“The subliminal aspects of everything that happens to us may seem to play very little part in our daily lives. But they are the almost invisible routes of our conscious thoughts. “Carl Jung.

Of course, the biggest impact on my life has been my touch sensitive jellybean switch and I feel very proud of myself that I have learnt how to control my own music, videos and activities and make choices. (I was very apprehensive at first)

“Mum is over the moon!”

To continue my learning journey I have been experimenting with a portable multimedia set up with a new iPad and wireless bluetooth switch control.

This enables me to take my iPad to my sisters house or on other outings. We are further refining the way I use this set up to make best use of the available technology and digital access for all.